Please register your venue below. If you have any prior questions then contact us here.
Venue Name
Venue Address:
Your Name
Your Position
Your Phone
Are you the owner/proprietor of this venue?
If not, please state who is:
Do you have authority to engage Artiste(s) for this venue?
Who is responsible for the booking and payment of Artistes?
To whom should paperwork regarding bookings be addressed?
Can you confirm that you are appropriately licensed to present live entertainment at this venue?
Do you admit children under the age of 18 at any time?
If yes, are such minors supervised by suitable adults?
Are artistes likely to be in contact with such minors?
Are there any physical problems, obstacles or “House Rules” at the venue of which the Artiste(s) should be made aware?
If yes, please give details:
Are there any prohibitions of Artiste type or props/equipment at the venue?
If yes, please give further details: