Leading the way

Leading the way

We are proud to announce that yet again we are a carbon-neutral business!

We have partnered with Carbon Neutral Britain for the 3rd year in a row, this comes with the privilege of supporting some extremely worthwhile projects and initiatives both in the U.K. and abroad.

As we stated 3 years ago, we couldn’t officially claim to be the first business of our kind to make this announcement but we are certain that we are still, leading the way!

Wind Power in Karnataka

Selected by Carbon Neutral Britain, based upon the high output, and economic benefits, Project 2112 – Wind Power in Karnataka – produces renewable electric power from wind electric generators (WEGs) in a region where fossil fuels would have otherwise been burnt for energy.

This project involves the construction, commissioning, and safe operation of a wind farm in the Indian state of Karnataka, supplying the Karnataka state electricity grid, which forms a part of the Southern Regional Electricity Grid of India.

Carbon Neutral Britain Project 2112 – Wind Power in Karnataka – is one of the leading wind generation projects in the region, generating and supplying electricity to the Southern Regional Electricity Grid of India. The Project displaces non-renewable fossil fuel based electricity generation that would have otherwise been utilised within the region. The Project thereby leads to a reduction in the emission of GHGs
associated with fossil fuel-based electricity generation and enables sustainable economic and environmental development.

In addition to providing clean energy, the significant secondary benefits of the project are to provide Social, Environmental, Economic, and Technical benefits within the region.

At the local level, the project activity has led to the creation of an estimated 2000 skilled and unskilled jobs throughout the construction and ongoing operation and maintenance of the project, along with secondary contracts and job opportunities in the development of the local road network and facilities. The technical benefits, with an increased interest in wind energy projects will further push R&D efforts by technology providers to develop more efficient and better machinery, encouraging further investment in the sector.

Environmentally, as an area previously dominated by fossil fuel energy generation, the Environmental impact assessment concluded that a significant drop in the strain on local freshwater resources (required for generator cooling) will occur as a result of the project outcomes.

As the UK’s Leading Carbon Offsetting provider – Carbon Neutral Britain has completed industry leading Independent Project Validation and Assurance for this project, and all projects are supported via the Climate Fund™ portfolio.

Following our mission to provide the Best Value, Biggest Impact, Most Transparency, and Upmost Quality and Assurance of projects supported, validation ensures all projects have a real and lasting impact on Climate Change. This is achieved via three layers of assessment.

First – this, and all projects utilised must be audited and approved via the United Nations CER, Verra, or Gold Standard Mechanisms. As the three largest, and most regulated carbon offsetting standards in the world – this ensures the measurements, and tonnes of CO2e offset are accurate, and verified by these third parties (with public audits available for each project).

Second – Carbon Neutral Britain selects projects based on the ‘secondary’ benefits, such as helping to provide education, employment, clean water, energy, or have a positive impact on the local wildlife and ecology (for nature-based projects). Carbon Neutral Britain ensures all projects align with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – which are listed within this project pack.

Third – all projects are Independently Validated, completing due diligence on the audits completed via the applicable corporate standard. Above and beyond the requirements of the United Nations CER, Verra, and Gold Standard Mechanisms, Validation Independently Assesses each project, and only AAA Rated Carbon Credit Projects are utilised within the offsetting portfolio’s provided by Carbon Neutral Britain. An AAA Project Rating is achieved via the successful completion of the 6 steps below.


Reforestation of Degraded Land – Uruguay

Selected by Carbon Neutral Britain, this ambitious project aims to turn 21,298 hectares of degraded land used for beef cattle grazing into sustainably managed forest plantation.

With around 80% of Uruguayan territory being used for cattle ranching on natural and artificial savanna, over-grazing with unequal distribution of cattle has resulted in degraded, poor-quality land, with minimal carbon sequestration and environmental benefits.

This project aims to help combat and restore the land to the original forest ecosystem whilst also having a positive impact on biodiversity and wildlife within the region.

Carbon Neutral Britain project 1197 – Reforestation on Degraded Land – is a large scale reforestation project across Uruguay, aiming to sequester 7,644,973 tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere over its initial 60 year project lifespan.

Using previously degraded farmland, carbon sequestration is expected to occur from both above-ground and below-ground biomass, soil organic carbon, litter and dead wood.

As a country with only 8.6% of the land forested, this ambitious project aims to provide a stepping stone to inspire and motivate further reforestation across the region. Separate to carbon removal, Uruguay has 659 known species of amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles, 2.3% of which are endemic, and 5.6% threatened. It is hoped that the increased forest development via the project will have a significant benefit to the biodiversity and to critical species across the country.

The key secondary benefits of the project are to provide employment, in an economically poor area, dominated by farming practices. Via the project, traditional livestock production was estimated to employ 1.4-4.4 persons every 1,000 ha of land.

Via this project, employment is expected to rise to up to 40 persons every 1,000 ha, via the reforestation activities.

Beyond an increased number of direct and indirect jobs, the project is expected to contribute to the development of the region and the country pursuant to the priorities defined by Uruguayan government – promotion of small family businesses, increase in exports, eradication of rural poverty, incorporation of technology, increased nationally added value, development of new productive chains and geographic decentralization of development.

Marston Vale Forest Creation

Selected by Carbon Neutral Britain as a community forest and charity, this project represents an inspiring tree planting venture to rejuvenate and transform the Marston Vale area, spanning 61 square miles between Bedford and Milton Keynes. The project is focused on leveraging the power of trees and woodlands to enhance the quality of life for both people and wildlife within the region, whilst also providing carbon sequestration for many years to come.

Carbon Neutral Britain project 1070 – Marston Vale Forest Creation – has already planted over 2 million trees, with an ambitious target to plant an additional 5 million trees across the region, in order to achieve 30% tree cover across the project sites around Bedford and Milton Keynes.

The project’s transformation from a region scarred by industrial activity, including massive clay pits and landfill sites, to a green and vibrant ecosystem marks a significant environmental and social success story as a result of the project partnership. Initially, with a mere 3% tree cover – significantly below the national average at the time – corporate and local support, combined with achieving community forest status, has helped the project reverse these adverse effects through strategic tree planting and woodland management, ultimately enhancing the environment for local communities and wildlife.

Via sustainable tree planting practices and management, the trees planted by the project are estimated to capture over 500,000 tonnes of carbon over its lifespan – a significant Climate Action project here in the UK.

Improved Biodiversity & Mixed Reforestation – Costa Rica

Selected by Carbon Neutral Britain, this reforestation project in Costa Rica combines carbon sequestration with multiple ecological and socio-economic benefits for local communities within the region. Since the start of the project, an area of 2,115 ha of pastureland, previously used for extensive cattle ranching, has been under sustainable management been successively reforested in near natural mixed forest plantations. In total, more than one million trees have been planted using a variety of 17 different tree species, providing a restored habitat for local wildlife and improved biodiversity in the area.

Carbon Neutral Britain Project 1164 – Improved Biodiversity & Mixed Reforestation is a leading project within the region, spread over five sites in the Central North of Costa Rica.

Planting native species on previously degraded farmland, the reforestation efforts will serve as habitat and biological corridors for many rare and endangered wildlife species of the diminishing Atlantic lowland rainforests in Central America. Wideranging mammals common to the area include oncilla, olingos, margay, Geoffrey’s spider monkey, capuchin, mantled howler monkey, and the giant anteater, which will benefit from the project development.

In addition, Baird’s Tapir (Tapirus bairdii), Jaguar (Panthera onca) and the Great Green Macaw (Ara ambiguus) are just a few examples of species of the “IUCN Red List of Threatened Species”, which have already been sighted within the project area.

By constantly monitoring biodiversity, this project has discovered that 70 new species of amphibians and reptiles have resettled on its land. Benefits are also to the flora, and by using ‘dipteryx panamensis’ as one of the main tree species planted, the project contributes specifically to the survival of this threatened tree species of Costa Rica.

Since the project has begun, over 50,000 tonnes of carbon has been removed from the atmosphere, with double this amount expected to occur over the crediting period of the project.

One of the key secondary benefits and successes of the project has been in environmental education to the communities within the region, which has helped to reduce illegal logging, poaching and animal trading.

Other secondary benefits have been economic, with secure, long-term employment in the rural and underdeveloped area of northern Costa Rica. Via the project, fair working conditions have been implemented to include accident, health, as well as pension insurance coverage, personal protective equipment, and continuous education and training.

With a small selected amount of the site to be managed for timber, the project is also expected to help reduce dependency on timber imports, provide economic long term stability to the project and workers, as well as decreasing pressure to exploit old-growth rainforests across the country.


Blue Carbon Mangrove Restoration – Pakistan

Selected by Carbon Neutral Britain – Blue Carbon Mangrove Restoration is the first verified blue carbon project in the world, representing a holistic approach to environmental stewardship.

Spanning over 350,000 hectares in the Indus River Delta Region of Sindh, southeastern Pakistan, this project is expected to remove approximately 142 million tonnes of CO2e from the atmosphere, marking a significant contribution to global climate mitigation efforts.

Carbon Neutral Britain Project 2154 – Blue Carbon Mangrove Restoration – is the world’s first verified blue carbon project, aiming at restoring coastal ecosystems within the Indus River Delta Region of Sindh, southeastern Pakistan, ensuring biodiversity thrives and remains sustainable for the future.

The project’s extensive activities are geared towards impactful climate action over its 60-year duration, planning the restoration of 350,000 hectares of mangroves. This ambitious endeavour is expected to remove approximately 142 million tonnes of CO2e from the atmosphere, marking a significant contribution to global climate mitigation efforts.

Blue Carbon Mangrove Restoration brings substantial socio-economic benefits to the local communities, creating employment opportunities, enhancing livelihoods, and improving access to essentials like clean drinking water, healthcare, and
education. These interventions are set to transform the lives of over 70% of the local population previously living in poverty, promoting a cycle of natural, social, and economic regeneration.

Located within a Key Biodiversity Area, this project also serves as a sanctuary for 11 globally threatened species, ensuring the protection and revival of critical habitats.

The project’s biodiversity conservation efforts are extensive, focusing on wetland restoration, habitat improvement, and sustainable resource management, alongside raising environmental awareness and advocacy.

By engaging in large-scale mangrove planting, this project addresses the cycle of poverty and environmental degradation that has plagued the region, offering a model for sustainable development. The project’s approach ensures that the sale of carbon credits directly benefits local communities, providing jobs, education, and essential services, thereby fostering a virtuous cycle of improvement.

Project impacts are wide-ranging, from bolstering ecosystem resilience and protecting biodiversity to improving local livelihoods and ensuring community welfare. The restoration of mangrove ecosystems not only aids in climate change resilience but also supports a diverse range of marine life and birds, contributing to the overall health of the planet.

With rigorous ongoing monitoring and adherence to the highest standards, this project is committed to delivering lasting benefits, ensuring the permanence of its achievements, and setting a benchmark for climate and conservation projects worldwide. Through this multifaceted approach, the Blue Carbon Mangrove Restoration Project exemplifies the power of integrated environmental projects to effect meaningful change, demonstrating a path forward for sustainable development and conservation efforts globally.