The Theo The Mouse Show is a fast-paced family variety show full of magic, music and song featuring the world’s cheekiest mouse! Theo is an unforgettable character that all the kids (and adults!) enjoy. His brand of humour, silliness and charm has made him a firm favourite, performing in Holiday Parks, Theatres and Pantomimes throughout the UK. Theo’s Show has been a headline act at the much respected Butlin’s Just For Tots Breaks for five years, he was the first family act to be booked for three consecutive summer seasons at Pontins and in 2022 he was nominated as Best Supporting Artist in the UK Pantomime Awards.
During the Lockdown, the Theo The Mouse Show was turned into an Educational TV Show and was shown in schools for Key Workers. The show was then broadcast on Sky and Freeview and now appears on a number of global streaming services. However it is Theo’s live appearances that he is best known for, with a constantly changing show, (he even has a Christmas Show with a special appearance from Santa), that guarantees maximum engagement for the family. The Theo The Mouse Show – once seen, never forgotten – make no mouse-take!